Home water filtration for New Braunfels, TX

About New Braunfels Water Quality
New Braunfels gets its drinking water from surface and ground water sources. The two main sources are the Edwards South Balcones Fault Zone and the Guadalupe River. The New Braunfels Utility water plant treats 8 million gallons of water per day for nearly 31,000 water customers. As our water travels over land and through rock it may pick up contaminants, that’s where water treatment comes in. Water treatment plants are the first line of defense against these contaminants, and home water filtration is the next step.
New Braunfels Utility created a consumer confidence Report in 2014 (water report) to inform its consumers of all the contaminants that are in their water systems. The EPA has regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water system that must be followed by all utility companies to ensure clean water to customers. Even with these standards many contaminants are still in the water system causing odors, bad tastes, and odd colors. In the 2014 report is was found that 110 ppb of Cyanide was still present in the water after treatment.
Aqua Pure Water Solutions is the next step in the process. Our home water filtration systems eliminates the rest of the contaminants from the water that the treatment plants missed. Get clean, odorless, and clear water with the Aqua Pure systems.
We service New Braunfels, TX
Aqua Pure Water Solutions provides home water filtration systems to New Braunfels and it’s surround areas. We have serviced all of Central Texas, including Manor, Hutto, Pflugerville, Kyle, and more.
If you need help filtering your water in New Braunfels contact Aqua Pure today.